By transport-admin@123 | Published | No Comments
The Department liaise and coordinate on Civil Aviation matters wherein, Airstrip Survey for construction of Airstrips with Helipads for small Aircrafts and Helicopter service at District and Divisional Hqs. and at strategic locations is proposed and construction of New Green Airfield at Ciethu for State Capital Kohima is under the active consideration of GoI.
The State Helicopter Service is now operated with 2(Two) Helicopters with GoI enhancing the Flying Hour from 480 Hrs. to 1200 Hrs. under MoU with M/s Thumby Aviation Pvt Ltd. for 2(Two) years w.e.f 28.01.2019, on Weekly Programme/Chart connecting all the major District/Divisional Headquarters and for evacuation of patients from remote and rural areas, VIP/VVIPs, Officials requisitions, Bank remittance to District Headquarter to cater to their needs and for state emergency requirements like election, law & order issues, disaster management etc.
The Department has taken up construction of Civilian Helipads, of which statuses are as follows:
Completed Helipads:-
Most of the Helipads being used by the State Helicopter Service in the State belong to the Army or Para-military forces which at times hampers normal operation due to security reasons. Thus, it is imperative to develop civilian Airstrips/Helipads at District and Sub-divisional Headquarters in view of the increasing demand of the service.
The State Helicopter is operated under 2(Two) categories, viz; subsidised and non-subsidised, in which the normal sortie to District Headquarter and patient evacuation Services is charged under subsidized fare of 25% of the full fare. The rest VIP & VVIP, corporate and private individual chartering are charged with the full fare with instruction as below:
i) | For Chartering at least 48 Hrs. requisition in advance be submitted to GM’s Office, NST Dimapur and additional 10 Minutes Flying Time shall be added for flying from Hangar to Apron & vice versa for chartering cases. | |
ii) | The passenger carrying capacity for every sector will depend upon the load/weight of the passengers and maximum baggage of 5 Kgs. per passenger. | |
iii) | Operation of the State Helicopter Service is subject to weather & technical conditions. | |
iv) | Atleast 80% Load Factor shall be maintained in every sortie. |